DETROIT – We marked a grim milestone, more than 4,000 people dead in the state, that’s an increase of 154 from Friday.

Updated May 2, 2020 -- Michigan coronavirus (COVID-19) cases up to 43,207; Death toll now at 4,020 with 15,659 recoveries reported

Another 851 people have the virus, bringing our state total to more than 43,0000. Detroit remains the hardest hit in all of the state with more than 1,000 deaths, but the city’s Chief Public Health Officer said there are signs of encouragement. She said there six more deaths on Saturday, the lowest number since March 25th.

To keep those numbers down, Detroit Police want to make sure people are staying apart, even if they’re out enjoying the nice weather.

RELATED: Detroit police: Follow social distancing guidelines or risk ticket

The weather was pretty much perfect Saturday and as expected, many people enjoyed the day outside, but all week Governor Whitmer and Mayor Duggan urged people to maintain social distancing, at all costs.

Belle Isle was a very popular spot to enjoy the sun and warm weather on Saturday.

In true Detroit fashion, many brought out their cars, whether big or small. From a group of women who drive Jeeps, to another group of guys who race small electronic cars.

Local 4 saw many taking the ‘Social Distancing’ rules, ordered by Governor Gretchen Whitmer seriously.

Haidera Hollins with Detroit Black Jeep Hers, said protecting yourself is key, “We do practice social distancing, all the women they have mask or some sort of covering. We just talk, we have a good time. Listen to music,” said Haidera Hollins with Detroit Black Jeep Hers.

Andre Womack and his crew also followed suit, “We race every chance we get. Yeah and we’re keeping social distancing , all the time, right now, especially with what’s going on,” said Andre Womack.

That’s the message, Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan relayed on CNN Saturday, “We made enormous progress. Two or three weeks ago, we were losing 40 or 50 of our residents a day. Hospitals were overwhelmed, people in the hallways in gurneys. Now there are 700 or 800 empty hospital beds in Detroit. The deaths are down 70 or 80%, so we have made enormous progress here.”

Anyone who believes they might have coronavirus should follow the CDC guidelines. has a list of resources available to those concerned about COVID-19.

More information on coronavirus (COVID-19):